Etiquetas de límite |
Nivel administrativo | 10 |
Límite | administrativo |
nombre | Santa María |
Nota | Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map. |
tipo de lugar | Ciudades |
habitantes | 549 |
postal_code | 38600 |
source:id | 2857ii Dipilto - USGS OpenTopo map Nicaragua 1: 50k Series E751 no E751X28572 (1984) |
source:imagery | BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2023 |
source:url | https: // |
tipo | Límite |
wikidata | Q113883884 |
wikipedia | es:Santa María (Nicaragua) |
Etiquetas de lugar |