Inicio » Chontales » La Libertad (Municipio) » Santa Rita

Callejero de Santa Rita, La Libertad (Municipio)



  • Santa Rita

  Etiquetas OSM

Etiquetas de lugar
fixmeLocation approximate. Adjust location with no knowledge, when highres imagery available or survey.
nombreSanta Rita
NotaApproximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
tipo de lugarAldeas
sourceUSGS, 2013-07-19; NGA
source:id3152i La Libertad - USGS OpenTopo map Nicaragua 1: 50k Series E751 no E751X31521 (1986)
source:imageryBingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2023
source:urlhttps: //